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Friday, July 26, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950



Set up to fail

I remember leaving my professor’s office on the verge of tears sophomore year. There was a line of students in the hallway waiting to find out their fate.  I knew why they were there. It was the same reason I was. The professor thought we cheated. 


Letter to the editor

As a alum of The Spectrum, as a woman who works with sexual assault survivors, and as a survivor myself, I was deeply disappointed with parts of Amal Elhelw's article "Hypocritical feminism."  While her main point seems to be that feminism needs more action, and less labels, the author seriously loses her way when she begins to talk about feminism with respect to sexual assault survivors.


Would you ruin your family to bang Paul Rudd?

Incest used to be a social norm across every continent, especially in royal families. But now it is one of the most widespread social taboos and is forbidden in most modern cultures.  While many filmmakers choose to frame consensual incest as a serious plot device, some directors choose not to explain its presence.  That’s unacceptable.

The Spectrum

Letter to the editor

On Monday, November 4th, the UB Spectrum ran its annual Political Issue. In it, they featured a poll of issues important to UB students, a community made up of over 31,000 people. We were saddened to see that only 100 students participated in the poll; this sample is merely 0.3% of the total population whom the survey supposedly represents, meaning the margin of error is more than triple what most published pollsters allow for (+/-3%). 


Letter to the editor

My name is Arianna Rothfuss and I am a chemistry grad student here at UB. UBIT has recently put out requirements for students to sign up for DUO two-step verification, a process that is by no means justified and is simply an added annoyance to college students.

The Spectrum

Commander-in-beef (cake)

This is a satirical column. Discussion of past commanders-in-chief typically surrounds their background and policy stance.  But the important question is: how hot are they?


Free speech vs. revenue: The fight between what’s right and what’s profitable

Americans pride themselves on the First Amendment –– freedom of speech, freedom to protest –– protecting citizens from governmental consequences. But private American corporations are showing less support for these concepts than ever before. Even though these companies have no obligation to the First Amendment, people should be able to voice political opinions without losing their jobs.


SEAS and defense contractors: An engineering student’s perspective

With any job or career, ethics matter, whether it be a minimum wage job or running a Fortune-500 company. The Young Democratic Socialists of America’s Friday protest of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences touched on these ethical issues, arguing that SEAS’ partnership with defense companies like Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman is morally wrong.


Toxic fandom

As a sports fan, I love going to the games and watching my favorite teams play. No matter the sport, be it football, baseball, NASCAR, they are all great to watch in person.  But one of the worst parts of live games is being surrounded by obnoxious fans.


Out of options

On a sunny Wednesday in early September, UB football players entered an empty UB Stadium for morning practice. There, they were greeted with deafening heavy metal music and crowd noise. The Bulls were preparing for their Saturday night tilt at Beaver Stadium, the third-largest open-air venue in the world. In practice, they readied themselves for the sheer volume of the Penn State crowd.


Hypocritical feminism

Today, we are at the peak of the women’s equality movement.  More women are in political office than ever before and women’s rights are a constant conversation. It’s no secret women are on the rise and these successes are due to strong women defying the odds, both big and small.


Letter to the editor

The Young Democratic Socialists of America at UB have chosen to demonstrate on Friday because the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has made it clear that they feel no guilt about association with and promotion of war profiteers.


The Washington Nationals deserve the title

I still remember the first Major League Baseball game I went to.  I was eight years old and the Nats were playing the Phillies. I can’t remember if they won or not, but one thing I know for sure is since that day, I have loved watching baseball. 


Letter to the editor

When I first read Mr. Newkirk’s piece, I thought it was a troll. It drips with the unwarranted smugness of conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro. It loudly proclaims its ignorance of the subject, while at the same time denouncing its critics as “historically illiterate,” and parades opinions as fact.


Happy Columbus Day, not Indigenous Peoples’ Day

In fourteen hundred ninety-two,  Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Many of us have read, or even recited portions of the Columbus Day Poem in elementary school. And many of us did so proudly and confidently.  Unfortunately, a lot has changed since we’ve been in elementary school.


Letter to the editor

My name is Julia Delorimiere and I am an undergraduate at UB. I am a member of the St. Regis Mohawk tribe of the Six Nations and I am a proud Indigenous student. After reading the highly offensive piece in regards to Columbus Day, I couldn’t help but to feel a great deal of sadness and anger.


Kicking and screaming

After another loss that comes from missed field goals, fans are not happy.  The football team has been plagued with missed field goals, and something needs to change. 

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