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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950


The Spectrum

The Writing On the Wall

"Peace is Passive"Walking from the bus to the Student Union to Clemens Hall, the statement struck me as the most ridiculous of last week's countless sidewalk scribblings.Others included "Bombs Don't Discriminate," "Nothing kills innocent people like war," and perhaps the most humorous, "Force George to read a book for every bomb."The "Peace is Passive" comment seems ridiculous to me because I have been wondering what exactly it means for days now.

The Spectrum

Nilsson Survives Thanks to Students

Although the scoreboard didn't reflect it, UB did have a winner at Homecoming.Sophomore Dan Nilsson won the Division of Athletic's "Survivor" contest between the game's first and second quarters Saturday afternoon, and took home a $1,000 prize.

The Spectrum

Faculty and Students Sound Off on University Hospital

Although the prospect of a university hospital at UB has often been raised in light of recent medical school woes, the economic hardships of university hospitals in the SUNY system and nationwide have pushed the idea to the background.In their review of UB's graduate medical student residency program, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education cited among other concerns a lack of an overall administrative plan, along with overworked residents completing an insufficient amount of research.

The Spectrum

Who's Who Around UB: Dennis Black

Dennis BlackVice President for Student Affairs542 Capen HallTelephone: 645-2982E-mail: dblack@buffalo.eduThe PositionDennis Black's position as chief Student Affairs officer requires him to design and implement policies in the interests of UB's 24,000 students.The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for: Student Union and Activities, Residence Life, Public Safety, Faculty-Student Association, Special Events, Campus Transportation and Parking, Student Health Services, the Counseling Center, the Living Well Center, Career Planning and Placement, Judicial Affairs, Student Leadership and Development, Multicultural Affairs, Disability Service, Child Care and Student Insurance.The PersonBlack earned both his bachelor's and juris doctorate degrees from UB in the 1970s.Black began his career at UB as the executive director of Sub-Board I Inc. from 1978 to 1981.

The Spectrum

Bulls Football

The UB Bulls and the Buffalo Bills have much in common besides similar names and buffalo logos. Both play in the pinnacle leagues of their sport: Division I-A for the Bulls and the NFL for the Bills.

The Spectrum

"Students, FSA Debate Merits of Meal Plan Options"

No matter what meal plan a student chooses, he is rarely satisfied. Declining balance provides convenience, but at a price; meal plans offer cheaper food, but at set hours and in pre-determined quantities.Many UB students, particularly those living in the residence halls, take advantage of meal plans due to their convenience and tax-exempt status, while others opt out entirely."I am a junior and I do not have a meal plan or [Dinning Dollars] anymore because I would never eat the food," said Dale Skir, a legal studies major.The Faculty Student Association, currently UB's dominant food service, is a not-for-profit corporation organized to handle certain auxiliary enterprises on campus.The company is responsible for administering the UB card system, dining services, vending machines, catering, convenience stores, summer storage, refrigerator rentals and athletic concessions.Not all students have the freedom to decide whether to utilize FSA's services; freshmen living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan for both semesters of their first year."This was done to help freshmen better acclimate themselves to living away from home.

The Spectrum

Poets for Peace: Local Authors Share Views On War

As Americans nationwide struggle to deal with the pain inflicted more than a month ago, small readings throughout the community have been helping local poets express their feelings and deal with grief.Poets for Peace, an international organization founded in the 1990s, is sponsoring readings in Buffalo where local poets can come together and express thoughts and emotions regarding the attacks of Sept.

The Spectrum

UB Research Team Studies Ground Zero

With the nation is still reeling from the World Trade Center attacks, researchers at UB have already begun to study ways to minimize damage resulting from similar structural collapses.A team of four civil engineers from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences traveled to the World Trade Center wreckage site Sept.

The Spectrum

Lannan Award Goes to UB Poetry Professor

UB professor Robert Creeley, a central figure in Buffalo's literary community and one of the country's most praised living poets, was named the eighth recipient of the Lannan Lifetime Achievement Award last month.Creeley, 75, is the fourth poet to win the $200,000 award for "writers who have made significant contributions to English-language literature." A past winner of Yale's prestigious Bollingen Prize, Creeley is the author of over 75 individual works, including the recently published collection "Just in Time."He has worn many professional hats beside poet, including editor, literary critic, essayist and lecturer.

The Spectrum

Injured Athletes Receive Top-Notch Care

As a star on UB's varsity women's basketball team, Mari McClure had to maintain a high standard of play at all times, but there was one thing that got in the way; McClure has degenerative arthritis in both of her knees."It would get worse the more I played," said McClure, one of UB's top women scorers last year, "it made it difficult to practice and play."When McClure first found out about her chronic ailment, she was given the choice as to whether or not she would continue playing.

The Spectrum

Brace Elected Chair of Student Association Senate

Tuesday, Jennifer Brace won another feather for her cap.During the first joint meeting of the Student Association Assembly and Senate and the Student-Wide Judiciary, Brace defeated newly-elected senator Michael Goggin in the run for senate chair.She is also one of UB's three New York State Student Assembly delegates, and the NYSSA university center representative.The senate chair is responsible for deciding where, when and how often the senate meets; coordinates senate committees; and is a part of the Emergency Powers Council, which enacts urgent legislation if the senate and assembly cannot meet.Brace, a junior business management major, does not foresee difficulty juggling the responsibilities of senate chair along with her positions as a NYSSA delegate and NYSSA university center representative, in addition to a full course load."I will follow through and I have ample time," said Brace.

The Spectrum

Anthrax Scare

Sand, salt, dust, confetti and packing material have never been so frightening. Reports of suspicious substances are sending teams of hazardous substance experts, FBI agents, firemen, emergency medical technicians and other public servants racing to diverse sites in Buffalo, and cities nationwide.Buffalo fire departments responded to at least six anthrax scares Friday and Saturday, according to The Buffalo News.

The Spectrum

Letter To The Editor

Todd Natti seems to think that those mysterious chalkers are peace-loving hippies who just want to sit back and watch the world crumble around them.

The Spectrum


America's generosity has become even more fertile in the weeks since Sept. 11. Her citizens have opened their wallets and donated more than $850 million to dozens of charitable organizations that provide financial assistance to the attack victims and their families.

The Spectrum

Monkeys In Chalk

After attending Wednesday's Distinguished Speaker Series event and listening to Jane Goodall talk about her life and her career, I walked back to the Student Union and passed a series of anti-war chalk drawings on the ground.The chalkings reminded me of something Dr. Goodall discussed.During her speech, she mentioned a common complaint about environmentalism - that of rabid environmentalists so concerned with saving the environment or saving endangered species that they overlook the human suffering going on right before their eyes.It's a difficult situation.

The Spectrum

Colgate v. UB

In a match that lasted only the three-game minimum, the UB Bulls outscored the Colgate University Raiders (30-16, 30-18, 30-28) in front of a rowdy crowd last Tuesday night.The team collected their fourth win this year to up their overall season record to 4-11 (0-6 MAC).The Bull's sweeping win over the Raiders was best described by UB sophomore Lindsay Matikosh, who said, "It's a confidence booster for us and for this weekend.

The Spectrum

Guaranteeing Our Future

Some people wear charms around their necks as symbols of faith, remembrance or security.Jane Goodall wears a pendant in the shape of the African continent.The internationally recognized animal ethologist and conservationist delivered a message of hope to the audience which nearly filled Alumni Arena's main gym Wednesday night.

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