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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950



Controversial Stands Should Be Taken for a Reason

Last week, The Spectrum assigned me to cover a forum on the war with Iraq. Unlike previous forums on the issue, the format of this was more similar to a debate, and I looked forward to hearing educated opinions from both the pro- and anti-war sides of the issue.From a journalistic standpoint, I was quite disappointed with the speeches and responses to questions on the part of the anti-war speakers.


Tug of War: Students and Faculty Debate War in Iraq

As the war in Iraq winds down, the Student Association sponsored a heated forum Monday afternoon in which pro- and anti-war advocates argued their positions and fielded questions from the audience.The forum, moderated by Student-Wide Judiciary Chief Justice Trevor Torcello, featured Candace de Russy, a SUNY Trustee, and Michael Zarkin, director of Hillel of Buffalo, on the pro-war side.


Just a Piece of Paper?

I've heard a million and one reasons not to get married: "I am unwilling to make a commitment." "I'm a hard-core feminist who considers marriage dogmatic." "I think marriage is simply an institution to serve the interests of the patriarchy.""I have a terminal illness." "I'm broke.""Marriage is just a piece of paper."Well, that piece of paper comes with a lot of perks.Currently, spouses of federal employees are entitled to a number of benefits, including, but not limited to, life and health insurance, retirement pay and compensation for on-the-job injuries.


Pitfalls To Faith

Up until age 12, faith was a no-brainer. My parents, with the help of my godmother, raised me to be a devout Catholic, and I never really questioned much about religion.


When War and Recession Fornicate

Throughout the ages, babies have symbolized the beginning of a new age, a fresh start and bright hope for the future, and innocence unblemished by tragedy, disillusionment and meddling by society.That was certainly the case in the baby boom following World War II, when America was coming out of the Great Depression and beat the bad guys in Europe and Japan.But this is the new millennium.

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