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Friday, July 26, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950



I might need therapy

After years of being “open” with my emotions, I still feel like the same confused 12-year-old, even if I don’t always show it. This isn’t a cry for help; I’m not depressed. I just don’t always know what to do with whatever it is I’m feeling.


I’m trying to be a better person

I’m not always a good person who does good things. I certainly haven’t been in the past. No one can be a perfect person, I know that. But for many years I’m not sure I was even a good one — I’m working to change that. I’m working every day to do better — to be better.


The art of overthinking

Managing social anxiety — and mental health in general — is really hard. I’m still far from where I want to be, but I’m trying my best, and that’s enough. Just remember that you are loved, and you are not alone.


I am enough

Life as a 20-something is stressful and overwhelming. Sometimes I need to cry (there’s nothing wrong with that, it happens). Other times I feel so happy that when I laugh, my whole body shakes. But if there’s anything I’ve learned and am continuing to grapple with, it’s that I can’t compare myself to others.


Make a f—king scene

I refuse to be kind to men who make me feel afraid, to laugh at their jokes that aren’t funny and to hope that my relationship status will ward them off. I will not let my fear of inconveniencing others make me vulnerable.


Me, my thoughts and the moon

To me, depression feels like you’re snuggly wrapped in shag carpet; you’re suffocating and overheating but there’s some sort of sickly comfort in it that makes you reluctant to unwrap. 


Take me home, suburban roads

The sight of sprawling tree-lined hills was never one I imagined missing, and now, everytime I see it, I feel as though Mother Nature is embracing me herself, welcoming me back to a place that will always hold a piece of my heart.

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