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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950


The Spectrum

"I know it's clich?PI, but ..."

This may be the last time anything I write receives more than 10 views. The pressure to produce intelligent yet creative content is so far above the ground that I've decided to do something The Spectrum usually does not allow me to do because it's just so unoriginal. For my final piece, I will provide you with a list of clichés I believe are mandatory to live by. Never judge a book by its cover. You'll never truly know that "weird" girl in your chemistry class if you don't give her a chance to show you she's not simply a label you branded her with in your head.


Learning to let go

Jordyn Lowe* remembers the moment she began to despise her body. She was in the shower, reaching back for shampoo when she saw excess skin rolling over her hip. FAT. She pinched it, then moved on to her thighs, stomach and arms. She was 5-foot-4 and weighed 121 pounds, but she said she felt like "Shamu." Tears dripping from her face onto the shower floor, Lowe vowed she would never let herself get "big" again. *** Left.

The Spectrum

The art of the job hunt

Unemployment after college remains a fear in the eyes of many soon-to-be graduates, as students begin to face the pressures of the dreaded process of finding a job. Undoubtedly, joblessness and underemployment is an unfortunate reality for many new graduates.


Glee in times of pain

Approximately 400 Relay for Life attendees watched UB Glee perform and clapped along because they felt like a "room without a roof." They clapped along because they felt like "happiness is the truth." On Friday, 1,475 participants joined together in UB's Alumni Arena to fight against cancer.


A different holiday celebration

It's hard being eight hours from home on the Jewish holidays. Growing up, my family either celebrated important Jewish holidays in Israel with approximately 200 of our other family members, or in our own home with our closest family-friends. Passover always meant singing the word

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