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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950



Jason Tsoi is an assistant features editor at The Spectrum. He is an English major with a certificate in journalism. During his free time, he can be found listening to music and watching films. 


So long, partners

If you told me three years ago that I would be an editor at The Spectrum, I would not have believed you. Going into my sophomore year, I felt disoriented. I was beginning a new major and readjusting to life after the pandemic lockdown.

Jonathan Golove poses in his office with a Jimi Hendrix figurine gifted to him by students of MUS 365: "Rock Music".

‘This is an art form’: How Jonathan Golove revived rock music at UB

“I think too often [rock music] gets neglected as an art form,” Golove said. “People talk about it as though it were just a throwaway… But I don’t believe that. I believe that the best of the rock musicians are really good artists. They take what they do very seriously, and what they make is of real quality, so it’s worthy of study.”

The beehives, located between Crofts Hall and Bizer Creek on UB's North Campus, produce about 55 gallons of honey a year.

Meet U-Bee’s bzzz-y pollinators

This month, dozens of UB students will meet every Sunday to construct bee hotels — nesting spaces for solitary and wild bees to lay their eggs. The bee hotels, which are made out of blocks of wood and hollow bamboo sticks, will be placed around the North Campus.

Patricia Logan-Greene, an associate professor and associate dean for academic affairs at the School of Social Work, is working to address gun violence. Photo: Patricia Logan-Greene

UB professor co-leads firearm violence prevention initiative

As part of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare’s Grand Challenge for Social Work (GCSW) — an initiative that aims to confront 14 of the country’s biggest social issues — Patricia Logan-Greene and other social work researchers pushed for a new way, or “challenge,” to address the country’s gun violence epidemic.

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