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Monday, June 17, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950

New classrooms in Baldy part of larger idea

UB has a lot of open space, but some in the administration would like to see that space better used. Between North and South Campus, UB has 10 million gross square feet of space and 1,346 acres of land, and according to James Willis, chief of staff to President John B. Simpson, if UB is going to improve the use of these facilities, it will take some extra resources.

At Wednesday's Faculty Senate Executive Committee, members discussed how to begin utilizing that space on campus.

"UB is like a city," said Willis, who also serves as interim executive vice president for finance and operations. "It has a very large and complex infrastructure."

The first step to commencing the long-term master plan is the preparatory phase. This includes taking space inventory and making accurate assessments of what is needed for students, faculty and staff. They will also need to examine where there is currently space and how it is being used.

Part of the upcoming blueprints will consist of adding five new classrooms to the basement of Baldy and a technology upgrade in 68 classrooms. Landscaping will also be evaluated.

"We need to ask what we will need down the road and incorporate that," Willis said. "Buildings are a more permanent decision."

Areas within Lockwood Library were recently vacated and it is unclear what will happen with the free space.

"We don't have that guidance of where we want to go," Willis said. "We need to figure out what type of campus life we want to aspire to."

With 40,000 students, faculty and staff on campus at any given time, and only 16,000 available parking spaces between the North and South campus, parking is a persistent issue.

"More hangtags are given out than we have spaces for," Willis said.

The FSEC plans on improving the conditions of the buildings on campus, many of which are much older and require maintenance. Others, such as O'Brian Hall, will have to continue to undergo repairs for other reasons.

"We want to take a look at what goes on behind those walls," Willis said. "This is going to be a project-by-project basis."

This summer will kick-start a physical overhaul of 32 classrooms.

"There are clear inadequacies we can't neglect," Willis said. "There's a lot of equipment that is nearing the end of their useful life."

Future plans will also aim to make the Founder's Plaza more intimate to enhance the college experience, according to Willis. However, it was not made clear how this would be accomplished. A committee has been put together for this project, consisting of many faculty members that have skills related to what will be required for the improvements.

UB owns 38 miles of roadways, 29 miles of walkways and 199 buildings, 48 of which are off campus. There are a total of 8,006 trees.



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