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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950



Being immature about sex can lead to slut-shaming

Slut-shaming is accusing someone of being “too sexual” and using that as grounds to insult, harass or bully them. This can look like demeaning someone for wearing “revealing” clothes, making fun of someone for having sex and/or blaming victims of sexual assault. Women and girls are typically the victims of this type of harassment. 


Being a part of a scary statistic

Of all student athletes, male Division I and Division II cross-country runners — my demographic — have the highest suicide rate. As a member of this most affected demographic, I’m here to offer some of my own insight. 


Queerness should be in broad daylight

Going to a gay bar shouldn’t be the only queer activity — what makes an activity queer at all is a bit of a nonsense classification anyways. But it’s hard to find anywhere else to go, especially in Buffalo. It’s not impossible, but there should be a wider variety of easily accessible queer spaces.


A journey throughout my life in music

When I listen to songs, I instantly have a flashback memory from when I first heard them and it makes me reflect on all the different periods of my life and how that music changed me. Here is a list of songs that I have grown up with that have impacted me forever:


Social media matters

Plenty of people in my life posted about George Floyd’s death. But now, they are silent. Your activism should not stop just because the atrocity is happening thousands of miles away in the Middle East or Africa  

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