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Sunday, October 06, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950

The hardest goodbye

I will hold onto these memories for a lifetime

I put this off until the last minute because I couldn’t come to terms with this being the last thing I would write for The Spectrum. 

I’ve been thinking about this for the past two weeks, and every time I do, I get too sad. I am already getting teary-eyed writing this, thinking about goodbye.

I wish more than anything that I joined the newspaper earlier in college, because I found my people, my family. 

I’ve only been with them for eight months, but it feels like I’ve known them forever.

I have met so many amazing people, and have made friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Words honestly can’t express the amount of love that I have for these people. 

The Spectrum honestly saved me. Joining the newspaper showed me what I want to do for the rest of my life. Going into senior year, I was so unprepared and didn’t know what to expect beyond graduation. The Spectrum shaped me into the person I am today, eight months later, and has set me on a path that I will hopefully follow for a long time. 

I am so proud of myself and the work that I have accomplished during my time here. I made the huge jump from staff writer to senior news editor in three months, but I couldn’t have done it without the huge support system I had. 

I want to thank my friends for endlessly supporting me. I will never forget the day I got my first story on the front page of the newspaper, and how supportive you all were. I love you all so much, thank you for being there for me on this journey. 

I also want to thank my family because they are my rock. College is difficult to navigate, but having a grounded support system makes it that much easier. Mom, Dad and Connor: thank you. 

Now onto my Spectrum family.

The “Big Three”

First, I want to say thank you for all the encouragement that you gave me. I was so nervous stepping into this role and had no idea what I was doing. You guys embraced me with open arms and were with me every step of this journey, and I couldn’t thank you more. I quickly realized that we are all just learning as we go and that this was about having fun as much as it was about producing amazing work. Thank you so much for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. It is the best thing that has happened to me in my three years at UB.

Grant, you are one of the most amazing and talented people I’ve ever met. You are an amazing boss and have always been there for me to guide me and help me when I need it. You are the life of the party, and you always bring laughter to the office. I can’t wait to see where your talent and perseverance take you.

Anthony, you are a big brother to me. You are one of the most easy-going people I have ever met, and it’s so comfortable being around you. I feel like I can just be myself, and not need to put on any kind of persona because you accept all of us for who we are. I think that you don’t give yourself enough credit, Anthony. You are so passionate about this job, and anyone can see how much you care about us. I am so glad that I could call you my editor-in-chief. Don’t change, stinky. 

Andrew, I feel like I only got to really crack your shell open this semester, but deep down you are one of the most fun yet complex people I have ever met. I am in awe of your work ethic and how much you contribute to this paper. It wouldn’t be the same without you, because honestly, you’re the most sane person in the office. You balance out the crazy and bring us back down to sanity when we need it.

My news desk editor - Kiki

Kiana, I am already crying writing this. 

I am so fortunate to have met you because you are the biggest ride-or-die person I know. It baffles me how we started this journey together in the fall as staff writers, and now we are running the news desk together. I am so proud of you and of us. I have never met someone who I work easier with. You get me Kiki. My time here wouldn’t have been the same without you. There is no one else I’d rather be staying up until 3 a.m. with, writing news stories. I hate that I met you in my senior year because I can’t imagine not seeing you every day in the office. But I know you’re going to go kick butt in law school, and I’m so excited to see what your future has in store. Go get ‘em girl, and never forget who you are.

Editor shoutouts 

Katie, you are one of the wildest people I’ve ever met, and I am so glad to have crossed paths with you. Your energy is infectious and I am so glad to be staying in Buffalo with you next year. We can keep practicing our British accents and dancing to ‘80s music as long as we want.

Amy, my German sister: talking to you is always fun and I am so proud of how much you have grown in the last semester. I know you’re going to miss us, but we will always be with you. Never forget that. Also, don’t forget to prioritize yourself and your happiness.

Alex, you never fail to make me laugh or put a smile on my face. Everyone who is friends with you is lucky to have you. You are so special, and I will miss seeing you around the office and around Ellicott. 

Moaz, I honestly don’t know how you have so many hours in the day for all you contribute to the newspaper. You are one of the first people who introduced yourself to me, and I’ll never forget how welcomed you made me feel. You are an amazing photographer, and The Spectrum is so lucky to have you. Thank you for being someone I can always count on and talk to.

Matt, thank you so much for all of your guidance and support the past two semesters. It is really amazing how much work you balance, and how much time you give to us. You are a true role model and someone I look up to.

To everyone else who I didn’t mention by name, you deserve as big of a thank you and shoutout just as much as the others. Everyone on the paper has contributed to making me the writer and person I am today. What we have is so special, and no one can take that away from us.

Saying goodbye to you all is going to be one of the hardest things I do. I’m always here for every single one of you. We are one big family, and I love you all so much.

Senior news editor, out. 

Victoria Hill is the senior news editor and can be reached at 



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