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Saturday, July 27, 2024
The independent student publication of The University at Buffalo, since 1950

Gotta go

It’s a sign of the times

I never thought that one day in March, sitting in Capen with my friend since middle school, would define so much of the rest of my college experience.

I never thought I would be walking into a news office, excited to get a job with my extreme lack of experience and interest in writing.

I also never thought I would be sitting in that same office years later, on the nastiest couch ever, at four in the morning, waiting for draft, with two finals the next morning, completely calm because I was with people I loved.

Over just a few years, three yearly Smash tournaments and unlimited chalkboard polls, assistant copy editors became copy editors and copy editors became web editors, which quickly turned into web chiefs (thanks Brent).

Even though I’m thankfully not graduating yet, I am leaving my position to spend my last year at UB figuring out what I want to do with my remaining years. Unfortunately, I can’t put “making life-long friends” as the only skill on my resume.

Keeping this short and typing through tears, I want to put it in (improved) writing that The Spectrum truly gave me some of my best memories and I am so grateful for every bit of it, even the part where the “copy crew” didn’t have names and were just one combined person. I wouldn’t have wanted to share a heart with anyone else.

Savanna, thank you for being my co-chief, co-author and musical-singing partner. I love that I get to say, “I’ll see you soon.” Thank you “Mamma Mia 2” ladies for letting me live my hair-dyeing dreams through you and being the perfect amount of chaotic.

Brent, thank you for valuing me as a person, an editor and a One Direction stan. You are the most talented writer and Triller-creator I know. Jacklyn, thank you for giving me an example of who I want to be when I grow up. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met and you are so loved.

Thank you Liv, Ty and Vick for being so patient and understanding of every “That’s on a Wednesday, I can’t” text. You guys are the reason I’ll cry when it is our time to graduate and I feel lucky that I’ll have you to miss.

Tim, thank you for bringing homemade dinners to the office and listening to me rant about AP-style exercises before every Monday class. Thank you for not getting frustrated with me pulling my laptop out to edit on early Sunday mornings and letting me come home to your cozy studio apartment at the end of all the late nights. Most of all, thank you for being there through every dancing-in-the-kitchen moment and crying-in-your-lap moment. If I were a tomato plant, you would be the stick holding me upright.

Lauryn, thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone (e.g. convincing me to write a goodbye column) and being the reason I am who I am. You have consistently been the best person in my life since 7th grade when we were put at the same table in English class. You are my best friend and I can’t wait for so many more years of confusing strangers into thinking we’re dating. In the words of Harry, “I’d walk through fire for you.”

To the AP Style Guide that got pages folded over and a hot sauce packet stapled to its cover, I love you. And I’m sorry.

Thank you for letting me quietly admire all of you for over two wonderful years. I promise I will continue to after I leave.

Cassiana Enderle is a web chief and can be reached at



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